Gratitude Will Quickly Shift Your Mindset

Offering up gratitude daily. Crystal and flower

Believe it or not, gratitude is the quickest way to shift your mood and mindset from one of fear to one of love. Why is this so? Because the brain can’t think two thoughts at once.

The minute you begin to think about something else, the brain shifts to that way of thinking—that train of thought. It is possible, and highly likely, that the thoughts you are thinking are related. Therefore, it may seem like you are thinking of two thoughts at once.

Anyway, I’ll stop there before I go down the long rabbit hole of our brains, thoughts, conscious, and unconscious mind.

Back to gratitude. 

What is Gratitude?

Most people believe that gratitude is simply saying “thank you.” And while that is important, it’s so much deeper than that. 

Gratitude, as defined by positive psychology, is a deeper appreciation for someone or something that produces longer lasting positivity. It is acknowledging the good that is in your life. This, in turn, helps you connect with something larger than yourself. 

Gratitude is so powerful that scientists can measure the effects of gratitude which proves that gratitude has a biological effect on you. 

The Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude is so important because it is associated with greater happiness. Isn’t that what most of us want…more happiness?

It can help you improve your health, decrease stress and anxiety, build strong relationships, feel more positive emotions, and deal with adversity.

What this means for you is that gratitude has multiple benefits. Offering up gratitude can help you spiritually by allowing you to feel a deeper sense of connection with something greater than yourself.

It can help you mentally by shifting your mindset and helping you focus your thoughts to ones that can benefit you. 

Emotionally, you’ll experience greater joy and pleasure, happiness, and contentment. 

And physically, you’ll have a stronger immune system which means less sickness, lower blood pressure, and better sleep. 

Shifting Your Mindset

You may be asking, “what if I’m generally a negative/pessimistic person?” And to that I ask, “why do you choose to be that way?” Life is a choice. You are the way that you are because of choices you’ve made.

You can change at any given moment. If you’re ready to shift your mindset to one of gratitude, here are some ways you can begin to do so.


At least once a day, write down all of the things that you are grateful for. It can be something small like you noticed your flowers blooming in your garden or something big like receiving a 30% salary increase.

It doesn’t matter what it is, if it made you feel a deeper sense of appreciation, write it down.


This is a beautiful act no matter what your religious affiliation is. Prayer helps you to see beyond yourself and your own needs to something greater. During your prayer, consider all of the things you are grateful for.  


Meditation allows you to focus on the present moment. In the present moment, there is no judgement, only perfection. The present moment is self-sufficient. While in that moment, focus on the things you are grateful for (the silence of the moment, the perfect temperature, etc.). 

If you’d like a guided meditation on the present moment, check out my latest podcast episode, The Finding Bliss Podcast which is a meditation to reduce anxiety by focusing on the present moment. It available on my website or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Mental Rehearsal 

This is a practice typically reserved for performing bigger tasks but it can be beneficial in this instance, especially if you currently view your disposition as negative. 

What you can do is imagine walking through your day and every time someone says or does something positive, say thank you. You may spend about 5 minutes a day rehearsing this. Eventually, you’ll begin to shift your mindset.

Going Deeper

Gratitude works because it affects your entire being. It’s more than just saying thank you. It connects you to something greater than yourself. Isn’t that what we all want, connection?

If you’re ready to explore deeper, then let me invite you to my course, A Journey Into Purpose Consciousness. 

This is a 4-step course designed to help you: increase your awareness of yourself and those around you. Throughout the course we’ll discuss the laws that govern the universe, how they affect you, and how to use them for your benefit. 

Click on the image below to get started. 

A Journey Into Purpose Consciousness

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I’m a trauma-sensitive, Master Certified Life coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, doctoral student (Developmental Psychology) and host of the Healing While Discovering Yourself podcast. I’m also the creator the most powerful healing membership in the world called Healing In The Shadow™️.

I create a safe space so that high achieving women and men can heal from trauma and/or other past unpleasant experiences while discovering their purpose and pursuing their passion so that they can create a life of freedom, fall in love with themselves, make more money, and live an abundant life.


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